VTech is an award winning electronic learning toys company

One Small Step for Baby Kind

Lise Eliot
If there’s one thing parents notice most about their baby’s development, it is the remarkably rapid emergence of motor skills. Imagine starting out as a helpless little slugger, all kicks and jabs, but without the strength or control to even roll over in your crib! And yet, by just one year of age, most infants are able to walk independently—a feat of coordination, strength, and agility that is light years ahead of where they started at birth. How do they do it? Read all ►

Terrific Toys For All Tots!

Deborah Sharp Libby
From an early age, play is an important component of a child’s development and learning. Great philosophers and scholars such as Plato, Aristotle and Locke placed significant value on play. Today’s educational experts continue to support the importance of developmentally appropriate play and developmentally appropriate toys for boys and girls. Choosing toys that appeal to our children and also support learning are important. Read all ►

Early Reading Building Blocks

Deborah Sharp Libby
How can I best support my child’s literacy development? This is a question many parents contemplate. Studies show that children need to be immersed in a print rich environment and involved in a variety of meaningful and enjoyable literacy experiences. Reading researchers and early childhood experts agree that these experiences are essential in supporting children’s early reading development. Adult support also plays an important role. Ensuring that children enjoy some type of daily literacy experience is something everyone can do. Here are a few early reading building blocks parents can put into action at home. Read all ►

Smart Babies

Lise Eliot
Where does intelligence come from? Studies reveal that infants know a lot more than we used to think, and for good reason Read all ►

Infant Development and Learning – It’s Never Too Early To Start

Lise Eliot
It's never too early to incorporate learning into your baby's day. In fact, research has shown that babies begin learning well before they are even born! Here are some tips to ensure your infant is getting the right kinds of interaction to promote physical mental development. Parents Play A Key Role: Read all ►
Meet our Expert Advisory Panel
Deborah Sharp Libby
Early Childhood Language and Reading Expert
Lise Eliot
Early Childhood Mental Development Expert
Helen Boehm
Psychologist, Author, and Parenting Resource Expert
Carla C. Johnson
Science and STEM Expert
Susan Bartell
Child Psychology Expert
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