VTech is an award winning electronic learning toys company

Product Manuals

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8 manual(s) found for "A" .

ABC Text & Go Motion

Kids can play just like a grown-up with the VTech ABC Text & Go Motion! This handheld electronic learning toy has fun games that teach your preschooler letters, vocabulary, matching and typing.

Alphabet Activity Cube

The Alphabet Activity Cube is one of VTech's top-rated infant & preschool learning toys. The cube offers your child endless hours of learning fun with five interactive sides. Activities that hit eight developmental stages make the Alphabet Activity Cube a toy that grows with your child.

Art JotBot™

Get creative with JotBot™, the smart drawing robot!

Akuna the Velociraptor

VTech's® Akuna the Velociraptor™ is the latest in the line of Switch & Go Dinos. He may be small in stature but he's also fast and fierce. You never know when this transforming dinosaur toy is going to launch a surprise attack!

Animal Rhymes Music Book™

The Animal Rhymes Music Book™ has so many twists, turns (and slides) that little ones will have a hard time putting it down!

ABC Learning Apple™

Pick up the ABC Learning Apple™ for an apple a day of learning and play!

Animal Rhymes Storytime™

It’s the perfect time for a nursery rhyme!

Attila the Ankylosaurus

Watch out or he'll knock you out! Attila the Ankylosaurus is a 2-in-1 dinosaur from the Switch & Go Dinos crew by VTech. This electronic toy fuses two of boys’ favorite things—dinosaurs and vehicles—into one awesome play experience that your child will love!